Attracting and Retaining Talent
Nine Network - January, 2014
Following up on Nine's robust body of work around entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development in our region, this week's Stay Tuned is focused on how we attract and keep talented individuals in St. Louis-- whether they're starting companies, or future leaders in the companies we have now. What is St. Louis specifically doing to attract and keep people here? How does the ability to bring a vibrant, diverse workforce here and have the implications for quality of life all over the region?
Following up on Nine’s our robust body of work around entrepreneurship, innovation, and economic development in our region, this week’s Stay Tuned is focused on how we attract and keep talented individuals in St. Louis— whether they’re starting companies, or future leaders in the companies we have now. What is St. Louis specifically doing to attract and keep people here? How does the ability to bring a vibrant, diverse workforce here and have implications for quality of life all over the region? - See more at: http://staytuned.ninenet.org/episodes/attracting-and-retaining-talent/#sthash.djwHVOUY.dpuf