he Women of Achievement organization has named the 10 women who will be honored as the 2020 winners.

Susan Gobbo named one of the 10 Women of Achievement
Susan Balk, impactful leadership; Debbie Caplin, pet therapy advocacy; Carlene Davis, lifetime service; Susan Gobbo, multicultural enrichment; Jennifer Hillman, creative philanthropy; Sue Hockensmith, compassionate welfare; Sherrill Jackson, health and education; Toni Renee Jordan, change agent; Susan Katzman, women’s empowerment; and Joan Lipkin, arts and social justice.
The honorees will be recognized at a luncheon May 12 at the Ritz-Carlton in Clayton. Doors open at 11 a.m. For tickets ($60 per person) or more information, call 314-896-4962 or go to woastl.org.