Bank Opens Bilingual Branch in Fairmont City
FAIRMONT CITY – The Bank of Edwardsville introduced the first full-service, fully bilingual banking center in the St. Louis metro area on Thursday, Nov. 19, with the grand opening ceremony of its Fairmont City Center, inside the Fairmont City Library at 2870 N. 44th St.
“Today is an exciting day for everyone at the Bank of Edwardsville,” said Rob Schwartz, senior vice president of retail banking. “This is a culmination of a great deal of hard work by a core group of people at our bank, and also the beginning of a remarkable partnership with the Fairmont City Library.”
The bank began developing a plan to reach the growing Hispanic population — a market historically underserved by the financial industry — in the St. Louis metro area more than two years ago. After more than a year of planning and developing products and services specifically catering to the needs of the Hispanic population, and hiring a full team of bilingual bankers fluent in Spanish and English, the bank and the Mississippi Valley District Library Board, which oversees the Fairmont City Library, worked together to come to an agreement to locate the new banking center in the library, which has developed into the hub of activity for the Fairmont City community.
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